• No : 30540
  • Open Date : 2019/09/05 16:01
  • Print

[DataSpider Servista] Can I output information on DataSpider's "My Service", "My Trigger", and "My Project"?

There is an inventory check on such as projects, and I want to output and have a check routine. Can I export the information of DataSpider's "My Service", "My Trigger", and "My Project" to a file?
Category : 


You can output to a file by executing the CLI command that outputs list information such as "My Service" using a CLI batch.

■Reference Information
 ▼CLI Console command

  • myprojects

    Display a list of projects that the currently logged in user can refer to

  • myservices

    List of services

  • trigger

    List of triggers

   *Please confirm based on the man command for details about each command.
    Example: man myprojects

 ▼CLI batch
   Please refer to the following FAQ for instructions on how to output the CLI batch results to a text file.

    [DataSpider Servista] Is it possible to output the execution result of CLI batch to a file?

Version Information